Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November 2015: Presentations, Loans, New Ideas, Next Meeting

On Sunday, November 1, 2015, Wes Smits made a presentation about KIVA to approximately ten individuals during the adult study hour. For most in attendance, it was their first time hearing about the origins of microfinance, and then Wellshire's initial steps with KIVA.

As a demonstration about how easy it is to get involved, the group funded $25 to JUAN RAMIRO from Bolivia (a cobbler). He is buying cattle and a sewing machine. Repayments begin January 2016 thru March 2017. Katy has put information about this loan aside so that we may update the congregation on its progress.

An idea came up in the discussion: to fund an account (suggested $100) for each high school graduate through the Wellshire MicroFinance team. This would symbolize the graduate going out into the world, but still with connections to Wellshire, to do good things for others. An alternative would be to do this for the confirmation class.

Since August 26, 2015, the Wellshire Kiva team has funded 83 loans. Our recipients are 58% female and 42% male. The four countries that have received the most loans from the entire group are Kenya, Uganda, Philippines, and El Salvador. The team has made loans to 65 of 83 countries. The microfinance committee continues to avoid making loans to India but does not discourage individual members from doing so on their own.

The next meeting is Thursday, November 19, 2015, at noon. The Alternative Christmas Market is Sunday, November 22 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.