A note from Wellshire Microloan Team member Wes Smits:
27 April 2012
Fellow team members:
A cause for celebration this morning: When I checked our Kiva page this morning, to my astonishment, I discovered our portfolio has grown to 92 loans worth $2625. That means that when we meet on May 10, we will be able to make our 100th loan, if not before. Since our team membership has not increased beyond 27, that would indicate that probably several of these loans are reinvestments. It also means that we are getting closer to the point where Wellshire Microfinance is self sustaining.
Two things came to mind this morning when I saw the numbers: First,deep gratitude to God for giving us the resources to make this happen. And also, deep gratitude to all of you for stepping out in faith to take on this new challenge.
The second thought that came to mind was the parable of the talents. While the Atheists team and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster team wouldn't agree, I believe that God has blessed our willingness to use our monetary talents and has multiplied their value to the poor and needy in this world. At a time like this we can all give thanks that we have, not only the means, but also the opportunity and the joy of helping the poor in our world.
With humble gratitude for all of you,
Wes Smits

Wellshire Church partners with KIVA, an international program committed to alleviating poverty and creating opportunity through interpersonal lending. Wellshire Microfinance is open to all, so please feel free to join and contribute! "... what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" -- Micah 6:8
Friday, April 27, 2012
Wellshire Microfinance Results for March
In March, the Microfinance Team added six new members. We are now up to 26. We have increased the number of loans to 66 in 26 countries, totaling $1775. In addition, we have at least 3 more loans paid back, which we will reinvest at our May meeting. We welcome our new team members, including Club 45 (Wellshire 4th and 5th graders). March was definitely a fine month for Wellshire Microfinance!
Club 45 joins the Wellshire Microfinance Team
In early March, Club 45 made four microfinance loans on a Sunday afternoon. With assistance from Holly Inglis and Dan Zuchegno, they made the following microloans:
Sharifa of Jordan for Home Products Sales
Lilian Wanjugu of Kenya for Fruits and Vegetables
Benard Miroro of Kenya for Farming
Jane Khauka of Kenya for Dairy
We look forward to partnering with Club 45 again .
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